Showing all 8 results

LGD4033 (Ligandrol)

Original price was: €45.00.Current price is: €33.99.
Driada Medical “LGD-4033 ” (Ligandrol ) - a safe and effective strength training pharmacological support product...

MK-2866 (Ostarine)

Original price was: €45.00.Current price is: €28.99.
Driada Medical “MK-2866” (Ostarine) the most selective and therefore the safest SARM in terms of side effects...

MK-677 (Ibutamoren)

Original price was: €46.99.Current price is: €35.99.
Driada Medical “MK-677” (Ibutamoren )  is an innovative tool for pharmacological support of the training process...

RAD-140 (Testolone)

Original price was: €50.00.Current price is: €43.99.
Driada Medical “RAD-140” (Testolone) is one of the most popular SARMs used to build muscle mass...

S23 (Mastorin)

Driada Medical “S23 ” (Mastorin) belongs to a group of agents called SARMs (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators)...

S4 (Andarine)

Original price was: €45.00.Current price is: €34.99.
Driada Medical “S4 ” (Andarine), also known as S4, belongs to the SARM (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators) group...

SR-9009 (Stenobolic)

Original price was: €45.00.Current price is: €38.99.
Driada Medical “SR-9009” (Stenobolic) is usually classified for simplicity as SARM...  

YK-11 (Myostan)

Original price was: €55.00.Current price is: €43.99.
Driada Medical “YK-11” (Myostan)  is a muscle-building product that speeds up the process of building muscle...